Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Bonsai Necessiitiies

Bonsai Trees Care

Pots and Planters
In order to allow your Bonsai plant to mature and grow in
a healthy environment, choosing the right pot to enhance
its growth will be a key factor.
One of the goals to successfully growing Bonsai is the ability to bring natural
harmony between the Bonsai and the pot that it will be planted in. The pot or
planter should be decorative (pleasing to the eye) but also needs to provide a
solid foundation in which the Bonsai can grow and flourish. It is best to select a
pot after the tree has been shaped to create harmony between the tree and the
pot’s shape, size, color and texture.
Selecting just the right container to grow your Bonsai in can be an overwhelming
task. There are a variety of colors, sizes, shapes and prices to choose from.
Some pots are very inexpensive while others can cost a few hundred dollars or

Choosing the Right Pot
Another consideration when searching for just the right pot to raise your Bonsai
in will be one that ensures that your Bonsai looks natural in it. It should also
enhance the beauty of your Bonsai plant.
Bonsai pots can be purchased from many sources. Japanese Bonsai pots,
which are usually made of a higher quality of clay as they are baked at high

temperatures to withstand fluctuations in temperatures. These pots offer the
highest quality but also have a price tag that is on the high side.

Pot Considerations
As stated before, there will be several factors that you will
need to consider when trying to choose the right pot for your
Bonsai. The first set of considerations relates to the type of
Bonsai you intend to raise. They include:
• What color tree you will grow and if it will be a flowering or a non-flowering
• The height and width and breadth of the branches of the Bonsai.
• The style of the Bonsai once it is shaped, and the trunk diameter.
These considerations are especially important to allow enough room for the roots
to spread out and grow naturally. The pot should be able to hold enough soil for
the roots to develop over a year or two. It should be frost-proof with sufficient
drainage holes. Use a deeper pot when planting a fruit tree for example; it will
need plenty of water to swell its fruits.
The next set of considerations will relate to the best size of pot to choose.
They include:
• The pot must be at least 2/3 wider than the height of the tree if it is taller
rather than wide.
• If the tree’s branch spread is wider than its height, the pot length must be a
little more than 2/3 of the width.
• The pot must be deeper than the thickness of the roots and larger than the
diameter of the trunk base except in the case of the “Cascade” style of

Ok, are you confused yet? To make it easy for you, just see the detailed
example that is presented, which should eliminate any confusion for selecting the
right pot size.